DUI Defense Attorney Corey Silverstein was recently featured on TV20 Detroit on the television show…

As a website attorney, one of the more frequent questions that I receive is whether Website Terms of Use and Website Terms of Service are different. In most cases the answer is no. To put it simply, a website’s Terms of Use or Terms of Service is the contract between the website operator and its user(s). The Terms of Use or Terms of Service should contain numerous legally binding provisions between a website operator and its user(s). It is also essential that a website’s Terms of Use or Terms of Service are properly implemented on a website so that the court find them enforceable.
A website’s Terms of Use or Terms of Service will differ substantially from website to website, depending on the specific services or products that the relevant website is offering its users. There are far too many website operators who think that it is acceptable and sufficient to simply take someone else’s Terms of Use or Terms of Service and slap them on a website; history has taught us that the act of stealing someone else’s Terms of Use or Terms of Service is a recipe for disaster and can ultimately bind the website operator to unfavorable terms and undesirable consequences.
Website lawyer, Corey Silverstein and his team of the best internet lawyers in the world, know how important a website’s Terms of Use or Terms of Service can be. For the past decade our internet attorneys have perfected the art/science of drafting website Terms of Use or Terms of Service and know what it takes to protect website operators from unwanted legal consequences. So whether you are operating a tube style website, social media website, news website, game website, review website, movie website, music website, clothing website, store website, auction website, or any other type of website or online business, Silverstein Legal is here to help.
Do not leave yourself exposed! The internet and websites are not exceptions to contract law. It is essential that you and your website are protecting itself from the intentional or negligent conduct of the website’s users. It is equally important that you are limiting your liability and potential exposure in the event that you make a mistake (yes, the biggest websites and internet businesses in the world make thousands of mistakes every single day).
If you are operating a website and do not have proper Terms of Use or Terms of Service or don’t have your Terms of Use or Terms of Service implemented correctly, then stop whatever you are doing and contact us today. Don’t wait until you have a problem!