Law Between the Sheets: Independent Contractor or Employee?
All too often, adult business operators spend so much time focusing on things such as obscenity, record-keeping and intellectual property that they neglect some important corporate issues, including taxation and employment law, which can have a tremendous impact on a business owner. Make no mistake about it, adult business operators need to be concerned with obscenity, record-keeping and intellectual property, but at the same time, they should not be forgetting about some other very important areas of corporate law. Every year around tax season, my office receives numerous telephone calls from clients (individuals and businesses) with concerns related to their own worker status or the worker status of someone providing services on their behalf. The classification of a worker as an employee or independent contractor is very important and any misclassification can create numerous issues. As you read through this article, it is essential to remember that you should always consult with your own attorney and accountant when it comes to employment law and taxations issues. Additionally, the IRS’ website,, contains a library of material that should be used as a resource for employers, employees and independent contractors. Please note that this article is based on U.S. federal tax…