As the world-wide-web continues to grow and more individuals and businesses develop online presences, disputes related to domain names has grown exponentially.
Domain name disputes arise for numerous reasons including but not limited to intellectual property disputes, and domain hijacking. Fortunately, there are numerous potential options for individuals and businesses that become a party to a domain name dispute. These options include but are not limited to, filing a claim in court pursuant to the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA – 15 U.S.C. §1125(d); and pursuing a Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) claim through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or the National Arbitration Forum (NAF). Our office is experienced in representing both petitioners and respondents in domain name disputes and we will provide representation tailored to protecting your rights in your domain.
Recent Domain Name Dispute Articles
The Legal Checkup
Dentists typically recommend that a person’s teeth be cleaned every six months and that oral x-rays be taken at least once every year. Internists recommend that a person receive a physical examination annually. Pets visit the veterinarian for vaccinations and well-care appointments. Vehicles need oil changes and regular maintenance. Your personal and business legal affairs are no different and require regular “legal checkups.” Much like going to the dentist, the idea of meeting regularly with your attorney is probably not going to excite you; but now more than ever, periodic communication with your lawyer is essential. Unfortunately, far too many web entrepreneurs wait too long and ultimately reach out to their attorneys when trouble has already come their way. In many instances, the legal problems encountered could have been prevented had a “legal checkup” taken place. The law in the United States and throughout the world is constantly changing. It…