Drunk Driving / Operating While Intoxicated (“OWI”) / Driving Under the Influence (“DUI”)
First things first, don’t panic. If you have been charged with an alcohol or drug related driving offense, you are probably experiencing a wide range of emotions including, confusion, anger, guilt, embarrassment, and hopelessness.
Our award-winning lawyers, have countless years of experience in defending its clients against these type of charges and understand exactly what you are going through.
Every Second Counts in Defending your Rights – Do Not Wait!
Alcohol related driving offenses such as Drunk Driving / OWI / DUI / OUI / OWVI / UBAL / High BAC / UBAC are serious crimes that can result in significant jail time, a permanent criminal record, substantial fines and costs, loss or suspension of your driving privileges, points on your driving record, vehicle impoundment or immobilization, increased insurance rates or termination of your insurance, alcohol treatment or counseling, employment loss, and Driver’s Responsibility Fees through the State of Michigan.
In Michigan there are numerous different alcohol-related driving offenses including:
– (OWI) Operating while intoxicated (Blood Alcohol Content above .08);
– (UBAL, UBAC) Driving with an unlawful bodily alcohol level/content);
– (OWVI) Operating while visually impaired;
– High BAC (Blood Alcohol Content of 0.17 or more).
Attorney Corey Silverstein and his team of experienced lawyers will help you understand the charges against you and aggressively pursue all of your legal defenses.
“Combination” drunk driving cases involve alcohol and other drugs, often prescription or over-the-counter medications, and are becoming increasingly common. Even if your alcohol consumption was below the legal limit, certain medications can combine with alcohol and cause you to appear impaired. These cases are complex – and the attorneys at Silverstein Legal possess the skill, experience and resources to represent you in these matters.
The penalties associated with a drunk conviction become more severe depending on the driver’s history.
A first offense could result in 93 days in jail and your driver’s license being suspended. A second offense within 7 years of the first, is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and carries mandatory driver’s license revocation. A third offense is a Felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison.
An alcohol or drug related driving offense is very serious matter and shouldn’t be taken lightly. We will get you through this and encourage you to contact us immediately for a free consultation.
Recent Drunk Driving Articles
Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer Corey Silverstein featured on TV20 Detroit
DUI Defense Attorney Corey Silverstein was recently featured on TV20 Detroit on the television show “Law and Reality”. In this episode, OWI Attorney Corey Silverstein discusses Michigan’s drunk driving laws, their penalties and gives advice on what to before, during and after an alcohol related driving incident. Criminal defense lawyer Corey Silverstein talks about MCL 257.625, MCL.625a, MCL 257.625b, MCL 257.625d, MCL 257.625e, MCL 257.625f, MCL 257.625g, and more. This is a must watch episode for all Michigan drivers.